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This post marks my six month anniversary as a blogger. I want to commemorate the milestone by sharing a series of events and blog posts that brought together for me how much my new blogging community has impacted my life in these six short months. About a month ago, I was up to my neck in fresh fruit and vegetables, embarking on more preserving ventures than ever before, and actually feeling a little stressed out about stuff going bad before I got a chance to put it up. It was peak season around here, more produce kept landing in my lap, and I just couldn’t say “no.” Blog posts kept popping up from those who have years of experience and insight, giving me great recipes, inspiration, and urging me to, yes, pick up those peppers and $1.00 a pound to add even more to what I was preserving.

As my tomatoes began ripening, the fig trees got heavy, and I came into several pounds of pluots, I read The Slow Foods Mama‘s post Stocking Up. My first reaction to buying in bulk from the farmers’ market when prices are lowest, at peak season, was oh what a great idea, but there is no way I could possibly deal with more produce! A few days later I read a post on The Mommy Files about canning peppers. And this post about flash freezing bell peppers. I booked marked them both, just in case. On my weekly trip to the farmers’ market a few days after that, one of the vendors was selling banana peppers at $1.00 a pound, and The Slow Foods Mama’s words echoed in my head, stock up while they are in season and cheap. So, I did, and then come that following Monday, our CSA was filled with bell peppers, but I was prepared. Freezing and pickling peppers I did!

Now, of course, my blogging community stretches further out than just that one week. Promenade Plantings doesn’t know (until now) that I have a growing list of seeds I hope to find and plant in my own garden based on her photos and writing. The variety of vegetables that she grows and her photographs are always an inspiration. It all started with this post on salmon flowered peas

There are the recipes galore filling up my bookmarks folder. One that I cannot wait to try is chard pesto from Wuppenif. When I have more chard than I know what to do with, I am going to whip up a batch.

Then, I have the Food Fighters and The Slow Foods Mama keeping me engaged in the politics of food. Both write honestly and succinctly about so many of the issues the sustainable food movement faces, and they do so in a personal way, keeping it interesting and real.

At North of Seven I always feel lighter after reading humorous blog posts on all successes and failures in crafting, gardening, thrift shopping, etc. She has way more patience and stamina than me in the crafting department, but I think I am going to use these rainbow party cubes at my daughter’s upcoming 5th birthday. Seems easy enough!

When I started the blog, I didn’t know what to expect and had no expectations. I enjoy writing and the blog provides me a forum to write about something I love. I guess I didn’t realize there are countless communities that exist in the blogosphere. I have a few followers who comment on my posts with some regularity, and I visit their blogs and comment on their posts. And then I see some of my followers commenting on posts on other blogs that I follow and the world feels smaller. I have quiet followers (I know you are out there). There are some who are reading this who have just found me (or I them). From time to time, friends and acquaintances drop me an email to comment on my blog, and the world grows again.

Thank you.